Encouraging people to live everyday filled a spirit of Love as God intended
We must ask ourselves the question…do we know our neighbors? Are our schedules nimble enough that we can take time to care for those Jesus puts in our path every day?
It is time for a change. To break away from the way “its always been done”. Time to focus on sharing Jesus saving grace and love every minute of every day. To be nimble enough to make the pause on our path to pray for someone in need or offer a word of encouragement. To ignite the Great Commandment within our lives and our communities. To live as the Good Samaritan loving both the lovely and the unlovely with a compassion and love that Jesus desires to flow through us. To recognize that each individual is a creation of God and that people are put in our every day path for a reason.
The Great Commandment
Luke 10:27-28—He answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. “ you have answered correctly",” Jesus replied, “Do this and you will live.”